martes, 23 de septiembre de 2008

The making of Hanging Fan (3)

3. Final Idea

After a careful thinking, my mentor and I came up with the pros and cons for the two stories:

Hanging Fan
Pros: Simple, funny, physical. Him falling from the roof and then forgetting he's in danger to keep watching his game was a hilarious idea.
Cons: Possible issues with the antenna cable (indeed), too predictable in some parts, difficulty to relate to the character

funny, physical, something with everyone can relate. The character is the everyday man
Cons: not that funny actually. I couldn't help but think that I kept liking Hanging Fan better (catchy name I guess) and I wanted to see someone fall down and get hurt. This guy would just get stuck and make frowns, and the Fan would be happy and scared, relieved and more scared. I liked that contrast better.

So I decided to go with Hanging Fan (February 1, 2008) and here's the final story pitch. I even did some preeliminary sketches of how did I imagine the scenes. I ended up using them in the storyboard.

PREVIOUS: 2.Story Pitch
NEXT: 4.Schedule

Back to "The Making Of"

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