viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Unfinished but Amazing Animations

This is an ode to those great animation shortfilms that weren't entirely finished - some of them look more like a pencil test or an animatic - but that look really enjoyable, and damn I wish these people who did them just had a million box to spare and dedicate themselves to finish them... oh well

"Laundry Day", from Guillaume Chartier, Sheridan School

Now THIS is good Pop Culture comedy, you know why? My parents laughed but didn't get it, some of my older friends didn't get it. But people the same age as me and below, we were all tee hee hee hee

"Unicorn vs. Narwhal", by Adrian Molina, CalArts (2006)

Amazing lipsync and soft animation (where there is)

1 comentario:

Aida Sofía Barba Flores dijo...

no manchessssssssss q loca está la animación!!!! morí d la risa también y luego sailormoon mi caricatura favorita d toda la vidaaaaaa nooo no es posible jajajaja ojalá la termine!!! luego me pasas el dato si la acaba jajaja...

PD: Soy Sofía =) vi tu página en tu msn así q decidí venir a pasear un poco!!! saludos!! =)